**We are at capacity now for ALL 6 weeks of Moves & Grooves!! We're sorry to everyone that isn't able to join us this go round, but we will be back with these at some point before water ballet signups! So check in around April for more information on those!**
Are you someone 14 years or older that has always wanted to try out synchronized swimming? If so, join us, Fluid Movement, Baltimore's own ameteur synchronized swimming group, for 90-minutes of fun in the pool at Cahill Recreation Center (4001 Clifton Ave) each Saturday from 1-2:30 PM beginning on January 13th! Each session is a drop-in style class where anyone of any ability can come and learn some synchronized swimming basics and put it all together in a mini routine set to music. No experience synchronized swimming or with Fluid Movement is required! The current session will be 6-weeks running from January 13-February 17th!
Change of plans for Week 2! Ashley is parachuting in and will be teaching a totally 80s routine to "When the Rain Begins to Fall" by Jermaine Jackson and Pia Zadora. If you haven't seen Voyage of the Rock Aliens and you love campy 80s musicals about himbo aliens falling in love with pop stars, do yourself a favor and give it a watch.
To register, go to BCRP’s CivicRec platform: https://secure.rec1.com/MD/baltimore-md/catalog
The class can be found under Aquatic Programs -> Cahill Lap/Open Swim and scroll down to “Synchronized Swimming for All with Fluid Movement”.