Program Team


Ashley Ball

Artistic Director and Webmistress

Ashley Ball has been moving with Fluid Movement since 2016, and when she joined The Movement, she joined The Movement. She has been in over 25 Fluid Movement dance performances, five water ballets, one roller show, acted in three productions, lead multiple parade groups, directed numerous dance routines and water ballet scenes, produced two water ballets, and has made it her mission to create new avenues for director and leadership mentor opportunities and increased volunteer engagement within Fluid Movement. In her day life, Ashley is an environmental consultant, working on cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater in the Delmarva area.

Claire Molina


Community Performance Coordinator

Claire has been skating and dancing her way with Fluid Movement since 2009. She has performed, directed, and produced several roller skating shows and community performances such as Light City and HonFest. She is best known for her choreography on and off skates. She is the leader of the Merry Milkmaids and Can-Can Flamingos and directs members in numerous smaller community venues. She is always performing and having fun with fellow members in Fluid Movement and welcomes new creative friends to join in!

Valarie Perez-Schere.jpeg

Valarie Perez-Schere

Founder & Programming Lead

Valarie is a founding member of Fluid Movement, serving as its first treasurer, and cowriting its bylaws and 501(c)(3) documents. Her emphasis in the early days of the organization was on the community involvement and collaborative elements foundational to Fluid Movement's ethos. She has produced over twenty shows and events through the years. Outside the organization, she is a parent of 3 children, a member of the PTA board of the Roland Park Elementary/ Middle School, employed as a Playworker at Community Play School in Hamilton, and a member of a 2-piece Prince cover band (The Little Prince). She is an actor and performer in local theater and film.


Board of Directors


Katherine Offutt Ross


Katherine's first Fluid Movement experience was catching a glimpse of a flock of flamingos on roller skates at HonFest in Hampden, followed by Fluid Movement: The Water Ballet, both in the summer of 2019. These events had been dates with her now-husband, who was trying to sway her allegiance from her home in DC to his home in Baltimore. Less than 4 months later, she was signing paperwork on a house near Patterson Park. Did Katherine move to Baltimore for love, because DC rent was just too damn high, or for Fluid Movement? We may never know. A professional arts administrator, Katherine runs the development efforts for an arts support nonprofit, has spent a decade as a stage manager at the Maryland Renaissance Festival, and freelances as a properties and lighting designer in DC and Baltimore. Her non-performance-art loves are minor league baseball, beekeeping, and making stained glass.


Holly Grunebach

Vice President

Holly has been part of Fluid Movement since 2018 when she swam in her first water ballet and has loved it ever since. She directed her first water ballet scene in 2022. Holly is looking forward to participating in Fluid Movement in a different way and making this organization that she cares so much about, the best it can be. Outside of Fluid Movement, Holly is a clinical manager at Johns Hopkins hospital.




Kristen is an educator, connector, and all-around dispenser of glittered positivity. As a child, she and her best friend Joanna put on elaborate synchronized swimming routines in Joanna's backyard pool, but now Kristen prefers to work on the business side of things for Fluid Movement. After moving to Baltimore in 2011, Kristen found her place in a variety of missions working to build a better Baltimore for
everyone. Kristen's love for Baltimore is surpassed only by her love for her family, both the one she created with her husband Greg and her Thread family.


Andy Yamazaki 


Andy was smitten with Fluid Movement after seeing “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” in 2018. But due to an inoperable case of stage fright, performing was out of the question. Instead, he decided to join by way of Front of House, jumping at the opportunity to volunteer for as many shows as possible. When not helping out with the water ballet, Andy fills his cup by reading things written by people from a long time ago. He currently lives in Baltimore with his darling life partner and four cats, spending his days as a librarian in Ellicott City. 


Margaret Hart


Margaret Hart knew she would join Fluid Movement when she watched her friends perform in Rebel Teen From Outer Space in 2012. Since then, she has been a swimmer, dancer, roller skater, director, and producer and has served on the board since June 2017. Outside of Fluid Movement, Margaret spends as much time as she can printing in her darkroom and rolling around on her German Wheel. She spends her days as the STEM Outreach Advisor at Johns Hopkins University.


Meg Young


Growing up, kids teased Meg that she must sleep on a waterbed and have a starting block for her bathtub because of how much time she spent in the pool. When she moved back to Baltimore in 2018, a friend told Meg about a water ballet show filled with glitter and handmade costumes, and Meg was ready to get wet -- she joined Fluid Movement without ever seeing a show. Meg is excited to continue working with BCRP Pools on behalf of the FM Board, a role she also fulfills for Charm City Water Polo.