Fluid Movement’s weekly dance series is back! But this time, we’re LIVE aka in-person… well, sort of. We will have in-person classes at Druid Hill Park Pool #2 every Saturday at 11 AM, beginning May 1st; however, due to city guidelines and concern for your Health & Safety, we will be limiting the number of people who can join these gatherings. As such, we will be having signups for these sessions on two Fridays before each Saturday class with the first signup sheet going out Friday, April 23rd at 11 AM, so mark your calendars if you want to join us LIVE. Go to our events page on Facebook here for the sign up link. If you aren’t ready for in-person or if the class fills up, never fear, here’s the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81692976587
Meeting ID: 816 9297 6587. There will be original choreography, random high jinks and shenanigans, and joy for joy’s sake! As always, costumes are highly encouraged! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or see our events calendar on the Fluid Movement website for more deets
Check out our Health & Safety Guidelines for this event, and the directions to Pool #2 and historical significance of the location .