Fluid Movement Academy: Directing 101

October 14th

6:30-7:30 PM

If you've ever thought about creating a fabulous piece of movement, but you're not quite sure what's involved or expected, then this is for you! Join us for a jaunty roundtable discussion featuring several FM directors of synchronized swimming scenes, rollerskating scenes, and dance performances for an overview and Q&A of directing basics. There's no one right way to direct, so featured directors will be of varying experience levels with the goal of providing a variety of perspectives. This will be an approachable discussion that any first time director should find enlightening and hopefully inspiring. We hope participants walk away feeling like directing is something fun and fruitful and totally within their grasp!

Use this signup form to attend this event. Anyone who signs up for the event prior to the selection of a date/time will be informed via the submitted email once the date/time is selected.

Email Ashley Ball with any questions or concerns at ashleyballfm@gmail.com