Mini-Water Ballet Scene

Rehearsals on Saturdays

February 4-25th, 1-2:30 PM

Callowhill Aquatic Center (2821 Oakley Ave)

Fluid Movement is bringing a mini-water ballet scene to a social media feed near you in an exciting video project produced by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health! This scene will be a preview of Fluid Movement's 2023 water ballet as well as a fabulous and educational display of synchronized swimming.

Rehearsals will be on Saturdays from 1-2:30 PM at Callowhill Aquatic Center (2821 Oakley Avenue) beginning on February 4 through February 25.Filming will take place the following weekend, which is the first weekend in March. The date and times for filming will be finalized ASAP, but will likely be on Saturday, March 4th or Sunday, March 5th at 3 PM, but this might change as we are coordinating with BCRP. To participate, you must be able to join for all four rehearsals and be available to attend the filming session.

But have no fear, if you can't make it to every rehearsal and filming, you can still come on down and hang out with us in the pool and maybe brush up on your synchro moves & grooves.

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us in this mini-scene by filling out this google form and signing our Fluid Movement waivers:

Also, since we are using BCRP facilities, members have to sign up on BCRP’s CivicRec website and pay $2 per session; however, all participants in the filmed scene will be reimbursed for their rehearsal sessions at the filming session. See here for the BRCP CivicRec link:

Here is a handy guide to walk you through the CivicRec website:

We can’t wait to see you in the pool!!